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[EVENT IN ENGLISH] Around the world, extraordinary natural phenomena prove just how dynamic and spectacular our planet is. We are used to connect phenomena with specific parts on Earth. Earthquakes only really happen along the Pacific Ocean, while glaciers can only be found in cold mountainous areas - so we think. Our two speakers will give you a new view on the reach of earthquakes and glaciers on our Planet Earth.
Golden Roof vs. Earthquake
Ariana Molenaar
(PhD student in the Sedimentary Geology Group, Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck)
Strong earthquakes belong to stories of far-away countries. However, Is this really true? We look for traces of past catastrophic events in the mud of Tyrolean lakes and answer the question: Are strong earthquakes possible in Tyrol?
Glaciers in the Tropics: did you know?
Dr. Rainer Prinz
(Associate professor at the University of Innsbruck - Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN))
The glacier area in the Tropics is larger than in the Alps and receding at an unprecedented pace. This talk will highlight peculiarities of tropical glaciers, their climate proxy potential and the impact of their extinction.
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