Weitere Veranstaltungen in Innsbruck

How to make smart robots and fool intelligent machines

Please note this event takes place in a (weatherproof) beer garden - bring warm clothes!
Dieses Event findet in einem überdachten Biergarten statt - warme Kleidung mitbringen!
Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2022
Mi 11 Mai Doors 6.30pm
Event 7-9pm
Zur Eiche, Innstraße 85,
6020 Innsbruck
[EVENT IN ENGLISH] There is a lot of sci-fi out there, but have you ever wondered whether robots could actually ever learn like humans? Or, on the other hand, have you ever wondered how much to trust your "intelligent" phone? Join us for a special evening where our two speakers will tell you more about their fascinating work making robots smarter and intelligent devices fool-proof and safe.

Robots that learn like humans?

Prof. Justus Piater (Department Head Digital Science Center and Professor of Informatics)
Wouldn't it be great to have a helper robot that we can task with our annoying chores? How would we teach the robot to perform these tasks? Can we build such robots by equipping them with artificial intelligence? We will discuss how human and machine learning differ and how this impacts what skills, including for communication, our helper robot will be able to learn.

Cat or Guacamole? How to fool machines that we think of as 'intelligent'

Martin Nocker, MSc (Project researcher at the Digital Transformation Unit, MCI)
Did you know that you use several AI (artificial intelligence) services, virtually every day? Whether you watch Netflix, talk to Siri or Alexa, or unlock your phone using your face. All of these applications have in common that they use artificial intelligence. AI algorithms are already extremely powerful, but do you trust these technologies without a doubt?
In this talk you will find out how easy it is to fool so-called 'intelligent' systems that are for example supposed to drive our future cars and what we can do about it. And what cats and guacamole got to do with it.
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