Weitere Graz Events

Symphony of Cells: Exploring Maternal-Fetal Microchimerism and Genetic Engineering

Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2024
15 Mai 19:00-21:00
Ducks Coffee Shop, Raubergasse 14,
8010 Graz
During this event, we will get an insight into the very smallest building blocks of our body, our cells. Erdem will introduce us to disease modeling with stem cells to understand how very small changes in our genes can determine the fate of our entire body. Thomas will dive into the fascinating topic of microchimerism. Can you believe that also cells from your mother, your child and even older siblings live in your body?

Disease modelling of pre-leukemic mutations in human stem cells

Erdem Özkaya (PhD student at the Medical University of Graz)
We use genome engineering to model pre-leukemic mutations, the changes in the genes that are constantly happening, accumulating over time and are usually harmless, but in around 1% of individuals (mostly elderly) lead to blood disorders/cancer. We try to understand how this happens and what can be done to prevent it.

We all are chimera! - Human foreign cells living in us and what our moms have to do with it

Thomas Kroneis (Assistant Professor at the Medical University of Graz)
Worldwide a few people are chimeric, that is, they consist of more than one individual with quite mind-blowing consequences. Although naturally occurring chimeras are extremely rare, we all are micro-chimera due to mom-to-baby trafficking of cells that keep on living in their new body after birth, again with astonishing consequences...
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