Weitere Veranstaltungen in Wien

Question everything

The event takes place on the ground floor.
Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2024
Di 14 Mai 19:00-21:00
Cafe Henriette, Staudingergasse 10,
1200 Wien
Knowledge is not set in stone and neither is History. Perspective can play a very significant role in the world as we know it. Are you ready for that? (Don’t be afraid, we have beer)

Well….this is JUST your subjective opinion…

Marcin Kaim (Polish Academy of Science)
In this session, through an activity inspired by an exhibition from 2017, we will show how the same objects can be differently perceived. We will describe two objects and compare our answers with the answers of the people who participated in the exhibition in 2017. The conclusions will be connected to an unsettling issue in social sciences, namely, that knowledge is more or less a collection of subjective opinions on the same subject/object.

Colonialism today?! What does it have to do with me?

Elena A. Ritschard (Science communicator)
Helena Deiss (Flight and Migration Researcher)
Although Austria is commonly not considered a colonial power overseas, it was involved in colonization processes through political connections. For instance, parts of the large collections of the Natural History Museum (NHM) Vienna were acquired in colonial contexts. Our interactive talk will present the results of a citizen science project that aimed to study how this past is dealt within the museum. Additionally, we will invite the public to reflect on the current consequences of colonialism that concern societies and each one of us still nowadays.
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