Weitere Wien Events

Secret Lifes of Algae and Plants

Die Veranstaltung findet im unteren Stockwerk statt und ist nur über Stiegen erreichbar
Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2023
22 Sep 19:00-21:00
Beaver Brewing Company, Schönbrunner Straße 98,
1050 Wien
Join us for a green evening where we will explore the wonders of algae - an overlooked and underestimated organism - and how plants can support other plants in their growth.

This event is a pre-event of the European Researchers' Night "Life is Science in a Digital World". The event is held in English.

Diving into Algae: Nature's Oxygen Generators and Beyond

Rita Mota (Researcher at acib and BOKU for biotechnology and microbiology)
Did you know that about half of the oxygen we breathe is produced by algae?
Algae are not just green cells living in the water that you eat wrapped around sushi or in your favorite breakfast smoothie. I will show you many fun facts and other interesting uses of these amazing, diverse and still overlooked organisms.

Agrobiogel: A Case of Plants Taking Care of Plants

Gibson S. Nyanhongo (Inventor and Co-Founder of Agrobiogel GmbH)
The consequences of climate change are already being felt today: heat waves, increasing droughts and freshwater shortages affecting all forms of life worldwide and threatening our own existence. These challenges have great impact on our agriculture and our forests. We developed a wood-based material (Agrobiogel) to help plants fight climate change. Agrobiogel is a novel wood-based material that increases the water and nutrients storage capacity of soils
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

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