Weitere Innsbruck Events

From molecules to diseases

Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2023
24 Mai Doors 6.30 pm
Event 7.00 - 9.30 pm
Tribaun, Museumstraße 5,
6020 Innsbruck
As a part of our body, little molecules can play a big role for our health. Who would have thought that calcium channels have an impact in the development of epilepsy? Which molecular mechanisms go wrong in the development of cancer? Find out more in our exciting talks!

This event is in english.

Don’t get too excited: calcium channel pathologies

Yousra el Ghaleb, PhD (PostDoc CaVx)
While you are reading this, your brain is processing all incoming information, while at the same time controlling the muscles of your eyes. How can brain and muscle cells communicate with each other, and how is this signal finally translated into the physical movement of your eyes? Essentially involved in this process are calcium channels, controlling not only neuronal excitability and muscle contraction, but also many other mechanisms such as gene transcription and hormone secretion. It is therefore not surprising that even a small defect in a calcium channel can lead to disease...

Heavy metal complexes as indispensable drugs in modern medicine

Varbanov Hristo, PhD (PostDoc in Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Did you know that heavy metals and their compounds are not only notorious poisons or jewelry materials but also indispensable drugs in chemotherapy and imaging diagnostics, representing a several-billion-dollar-a-year industry? Platinum complexes, for instance, are among the most widely used anti-cancer agents today. During the talk, you will learn more about the prominent role of metal compounds in modern medicine. Recent advances in metallodrug development with examples from research conducted in our Labs will also be presented.
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