© Pint of Science, 2024. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Lisa Recnik
Leiterin Pint of Science Austria
Ich habe Pint of Science in England und Frankreich kennengelernt und konnte nicht umhin, diese Idee bei meiner Rückkehr mit mir mitzunehmen! Was ich mag: mehrsprachige Gespräche, Berge besteigen und Bücher für mein Bücherregal aussuchen - und natürlich #pint24 :)
Anastasiia Padalko
Event Manager - Planet Erde
I am a PhD student in computational and evolutionary biology. I believe that no matter how complicated it sounds, any scientific work can be communicated to the broad audience. So I have joined #pint24 on it is mission to bring research and society together in the atmosphere of joy and inspiration.
Annika Tapler
Event Manager - Planet Erde
I am a bachelor's student of Environmental Engineering (TU Wien) and I have a bachelor’s degree in Mass Media and Communication Science (Uni Wien). I am very excited to join the Planet Earth team and the Social Media team this year! Let’s learn something new together at #pint24!
Arabella Buchmann
Event Manager - Von Atomen zu Galaxien
Ich forsche an neurologischen Biomarkern. Mir ist wichtig, neues Wissen an die Menschen zu bringen und sehe im #pint24 den perfekten Ort, um auch andere Forscher:Innen darin zu unterstützen.
Arka Pal
Event Manager - English Events
It is my goal to lead scientific facts (earth is round, vaccinate your kids) out to everyone, since flat earth society rejected me. PhD student by day & painting science street art by night, I'm guilty of trying to make scicomm great again. PS: some rejections are fictional but science is real
Cecelia Mweka
Event Manager - English Events
Hi, my name is Cecelia, originally from Kenya. I am a PhD student in Soft Matter Physics. I enjoy puzzles, and Science has been a big exciting puzzle for me. I am excited to be involved in Pint of Science since communicating is a great way to be able to share these fun puzzles with others!
Daria Romanovskaia
Event Manager - Unser Körper
I’m a bioinformatician interested in tumour heterogeneity, about to finish my PhD-adventure in CeMM. In my free time I love to travel, dance, read and spend time with my dog. I admire people who can explain their science easily, and what is the better place to do it, than a bar?
Ece Ergir
Event Manager - English Events
Originally from Turkey, I’m a PhD student in Tissue Engineering between Vienna and Brno interested in mini-hearts, cell-chips, and how we can use them for disease models. I’m also interested in generous amounts of coffee and beer, and how we can use them to bring science and people together :)
Ekaterina Nam
Event Manager - Unser Körper
Although I'm still navigating the early stages of my scientific journey, my enthusiasm and curiosity for science are huge, and I love sparking conversations about it—whether with a colleague or someone not steeped in science. Looking forward to bring you interesting talks and conversations!
Erika Schaudy
Event Manager - Planet Earth
Biotechnologist, nucleic acids enthusiast and cat lover, who likes finding ways to explain complex matters comprehensible and passing on her passion for science. I just love the festival’s concept to give everyone the opportunity to get in touch with fascinating research!
Florian Hechenberger
Event Manager - Von Atomen zu Galaxien
Doktorand der theoretischen Teilchenphysik, Gitarren-Nerd und leidenschaftlicher Bergsportler. Als Wissenschaftler ist es mir ein besonderes Anliegen Wissen auch außerhalb der akademischen Bubble zu kommunizieren. #Pint23 ist die optimale Gelegenheit dafür! :)
Hannah Auricht
Event Manager - Unser Körper
Heyy, I’m a master student in botany (plant biology). Other than plants I also enjoy learning a new language (korean), traveling and going for a drink with friends. I will be attending the Pint of Science events for the third year in a row now. I hope you will like it as much as I did ;)
Jaime Saez
Event Manager - English Events
Did you ever wonder how the world behaves at the atomic scale? Fascinated by quantum physics, I started a PhD studying the properties of electrons but science communication also attracted me. Why? Because science is great, but it becomes better when you share it in a bar.
Janitha Liyanage
Event Manager - Tech Me Out
Originally from Sri Lanka, currently I’m reading for my PhD at BOKU, Vienna with a focus on novel food processing technologies. Besides my research interests, I am also passionate about the dissemination of scientific literature and encouraging scientific discovery in the lay community.
Julia Braunstein
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
Ich bin PhD Studentin und beschäftige mich damit, zu untersuchen, welche neuronalen Mechanismen unserem Mitgefühl zugrunde liegen. Da ich ohnehin nicht aufhören kann von meiner Arbeit zu erzählen, fand ich die Idee hinter Pint of Science sofort sehr cool und freue mich nun ein Teil des Teams sein ...
Julia Partheymüller
Event Manager - Tech Me Out
Ich bin Politikwissenschaftlerin und forsche zu Demokratie, Medien und öffentlicher Meinung sowie zu gesundheitspolitischen Themen. Ich finde es wichtig, dass ein Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft stattfindet. Deshalb engagiere ich mich für Pint of Science.
Julie Murmann
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
I am a master’s student studying Neuroscience at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria. I love trying out any crafty hobby that peaks my interest. I think communicating science with the public is extremely important, so here I am at Pint of Science!
Karolina Heidinger
Event Manager - Unsere Gesellschaft
Als wissenschaftsbegeisterte Übersetzerin finde ich Wissen und Kommunikation insbesondere in Kombination spannend! Pint of Science ist also eine Station meiner Mission, so viel wie möglich über die Welt zu erfahren und die Wissenschaft mehr unter die Leute zu bringen.
Kasia Kuzmicz-Kowalska
Event Manager - English Events
I’m a PhD student in developmental biology moonlighting as a science podcaster. Book lover and true believer in the power of lifelong learning. Excited to be involved this year to prove yet again that, once served properly, everyone enjoys a pint (or a cup) of science.
Katharina Pütz
Event Manager - Unser Körper
Hi! I’m Katharina, a multidisciplinary science enthusiast with a background in molecular microbiology, evolutionary anthropology and comparative literature. Now, as part of the Pint of Science team, I'm serving a blend of ancient tales and microscopic wonders. Let’s have a pint together!
Katharina Schmidt
Event Manager - Von Atomen zu Galaxien
Ich bin PhD Studentin im Bereich Nanobioscience, sowie Wissenschaftlerin aus Leidenschaft. In meiner Forschung entwickle ich Biosensoren zur Detektion von Krebs. Wissenschaft ist wichtig für jeden und ich freue mich dazu beizutragen, einen Teil an die Gesellschaft zu vermitteln.
Katrin Colleselli
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
I've just completed my PhD in Regenerative Medicine focusing on immune regulators. My enthusiasm for science extends beyond my current field, and I believe Pint of Science is an excellent way to bring science to a wider audience. I'm always joined by my dog, Isaac, who shares my passion for science.
Klaus Lex
Event Manager - Tech Me Out
Klaus ist ein moderner humanoider Roboter. Als Masterstudent getarnt und mit Bio-Zwickl betankt versucht er herauszufinden, wie viel die Menschen bereits über seinesgleichen wissen. Um nicht aufzufallen unterstützt er #pint22 und erlernt so die Sprache und Bräuche der Menschen.
Lena Maria Leiter
Event Manager - Planet Erde
Ich liebe ALLES was mit Holz zu tun hat und habe daher „Holztechnologie“ studiert. Jetzt bin ich Doktorandin und mich schauen die Leute verwundert an, wenn ich ihnen sage, was ich studiere! In Pint of Science sehe ich die Chance - bei einem Bierchen - solche Blicke zu verringern.
Lenka Strnadova
Event Manager - English Events
As a neuroscience PhD student, I am interested in how the connections between neural cells are formed and maintained using a tiny worm called C. elegans. For me, communicating research is as important as actually doing it, and Pint of Science represents a great way to learn and have lots of fun!
Magdalena Engl
Event Manager - Unsere Gesellschaft
Hi there! I'm a PhD student researching how brain cells develop and become specialized. I love sharing my passion for science with others through outreach events and making it more accessible to non-scientists. Let's explore the wonders of the brain together!
Marie Ebeyer-Masotta
Event Manager - English Events
Moved from France to Austria to do my PhD in Regenerative medicine, I study interactions of blood with vessels during sepsis. Knowledge is power and bringing it to a pub around could be one of the first step to make our world a better place.
Mike Evgeniou
Event Manager - English Events
I studied bioinformatics and now I am doing my PhD in MedUni. Back in my city (Piraeus, Greece), I was working as a musician in bars for almost 10 years, I also love talking… a lot! Since, I am not willing to quit any of those hobbies, I decided to go in a bar and talk about science!
Rachel Dale
Event Manager - English Events
Originally from Scotland, I’m a post-doc who wears two science hats: human mental health/psychotherapy and the evolution of non-human social behaviour. I’m fascinated by how and why humans and other animals behave the way they do and love sharing the findings with others.
Rebecca Arnold
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
I moved to Vienna from the United States to study neuroscience in a worm lab! I am always amazed by the beauty and power of neurons, even in such a small organism. I am super excited to work as part of the PintofScience team to spread my love for neurons to the larger Vienna community :)
Rebecca Morse
Event Manager - English Events
I'm Rebecca, originally from Spain. I am currently a PhD student in Vienna interested in understanding circuits underlying memory. I always try to pair my food with a good drink, so why not also learn and hear about cool science at the same time during this year's pint of science?
Sylvia Mandl
Event Manager - Unsere Gesellschaft
Ich bin Sozioökonomin mit Fokus auf internationale Hochschulforschung und will zeigen, dass Sozialwissenschaften ins Pub passen und man auch weißen Spritzer als Pint trinken kann!
Theresa Matzinger
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
I’m a biologist and linguist fascinated by what goes on in our brains when we speak and by how this influences how languages change over time. I love having both nerdy and easygoing conversations about all aspects of science and I’m happy to pass on this passion over a beer. Science is for everyone!
Thomas Karner
Event Manager - Unser wundervoller Verstand
I’m a PhD student fascinated by neuroscience, researching the gut-brain axis. I enjoy spending time in nature, hiking, and sharing my passion for science. I am excited to be a part of #pint23 and making science more accessible to everyone, all while enjoying a cold pint at a pub.
Thomas Kirchmair
Event Manager - Unsere Gesellschaft
Als Kommunikationswissenschaftler erforsche ich den Einfluss (digitaler) Medien auf unsere Gesellschaft. Forschung ist jedoch nur die halbe Miete – mindestens genauso wichtig ist es, die Ergebnisse in die Welt hinauszutragen. Und am besten geht das bei einem weißen Spritzer!
Val Karavaeva
Event Manager - Planet Erde
I’m a PhD student (origin of life). As a scientist, I am tired of inaccessible research and dry academic language. Science should be accessible and understandable to everyone. I believe in the mission of Pint of Science to connect scientists with the public and I want to help.